Let’s build an audience…
Successful YouTubers often have a story like this:
- They start a channel and make some videos.
- Things go okay, but nothing special.
- They become dissatisfied.
- They start learning how YouTube works.
- They focus on making their viewers happy and sticking around.
- YouTube appreciates the increased watch time and engagement and rewards them.
- They make a video explaining how they did it.
Are you in a hurry to blast off your channel?
You can skip the frustrating and challenging part and begin by learning how YouTube works!
Or, you can do like I did.
For a year I shuffled out random videos at random times on my channel. Not many people cared, and neither did YouTube.
Thanks to everyone who supported me, but I was spending a lot of time on these videos and I hoped they’d reach more people.
So for the next year I let the channel sit.
It bugged me that my channel was sucking so far. Meanwhile, my suggested videos and recommendations were full of YouTubers sharing their success stories.
I started watching and taking notes. Everything changed after I started listening and applying what I learned.
It makes sense, right?
Learn what the successful channels do, then do it, too.
Success leaves clues. Especially when these creators are making videos showing you exactly how to do it!
The big transformation that came for each of them was a result of how they regard their viewers.
Don’t make content and hope to find an audience.
Find an audience and make content for them.
Here Annie Dubé describes how she develops the idea of an audience. From this exercise she creates a list of video topics they would likely enjoy.
Who am I making videos for? Who would be my perfect viewer?
Develop an idea of who will be watching your videos. Make videos they want to see.
This makes it easy to build your channel, get subscribers, and become a successful YouTuber yourself.
What would that mean to you, to become a successful YouTuber?
How would that make you feel? How would things change for you?
What kind of outcome are you expecting from your efforts?
Focus your efforts depending on where you are on the path.
See the picture in mind of what you want to achieve, then look back toward the beginning. Take note of the steps along the way to reach your goal. Do what needs to be done for each step of the process.
Building a strong foundation for your YouTube channel? Focus on the basics. These are tasks and short-term goals that set up your channel for long-term growth.
Finished one sets of tasks and goals? Move on to the next.
What is your #1 problem getting started on YouTube? Let me know!